Step One:  Watch This Video To Learn How To Stop The Yo-Yo Diet Cycle

For The Rest Of Your Life

Success Stories

Gary & Kristen

"What we really liked about the program was that it was really easy to follow. It was great working with Baron, having someone to be accountable to made a huge difference. He would not only encourage us but he would kick us in the pants when we needed it as well to make sure we stayed on track. We are so happy with the results.

Gary lost 23.4kgs & Kristen lost 12kg in 9 weeks, that is over 35kg between the two of them!


"I have tried lots of different meal plans and lots of different diets, I always end up falling off the wagon and going back and eating crap again. But this time with Baron checking in on me every day, I have stuck with it"

Danie lost 20.3kgs in 9 weeks, she as now lost over 35kgs, because she know exactly what to do now


"Before Baron I had tried a lot of different things, I went to the gym, I thought I was buying all the right foods from the supermarket and eating well and nothing was changing. Working with Baron has not only changed my body it has literally changed my life. I am a much more positive person now."

Mel lost over 20kgs in 9 weeks


"I feel like I have tried every diet you could possibly have. I have never been able to sustain it... I found on Barons program that I can eat as much food as I like, as long as it is the right food to eat. I don't have to worry about whether it's sustainable because I know I can keep doing it "

Ashlee lost over 17kg in 9 weeks


"Before working with Baron I had tried everything to lose the weight, pills, meal delivery, shakes, you name it I have tried it. I have lost 9 kg in 30 days and I just want to tell everybody! "

Jamie is currently only 30 days into the program and she has already lost 9kg


"When I started Barons program I didn't have great habits at all. I felt really tired and lethargic and unhappy. The fact that I needed to lose weight would always be one of the first things on my mind.

After the program everything is different for me. I have lost over 12kgs. I go to the gym all the time and feel happier and healthier than I have in years. My habits are changed and i feel like my life is completely transformed!"

Bec Lost over 12 kg in 9 weeks


"A few months ago I got a really high blood pressure reading and it scared the life out of me. I realised that I had to make a change, I needed to lose weight. After seeing Baron's advert on facebook I decided to give him a call. It has been the best decision I could have made. I am so happy with my results so far, I now know how to keep losing all the weight I want."

Belinda lost over 20kg in 9 weeks


"You name it I've done it, weight watchers, lite and easy, everything. I have never been able to lose the weight. The way that Baron helped me more than anything was with my mindset! It wasn't just an eating plan it was the daily support to help me overcome my self sabotaging behavior. I feel like I have control back over my life. It has been the best thing I have ever done!

Natasha lost over 6kg in 9 weeks


"I am thrilled with my results. I have tried literally everything to lose weight. The meal plan is so simple and easy, also the whole family can enjoy it. There is so much variety so it kept me interested. The biggest change for me is the new habits that I have created. With both my food and exercise, I am now consistent everyday."

Jo lost over 12kg in 9 weeks


"I must say, one of the best programs I have done. I am feeling great, none of my clothes fit, which is a bonus. The food was easy to prepare and yum. I have learnt that you can have as much food as you like as long as it is the right food. I am so happy with my results. Baron support really get you through."

Deb lost 13kg in 9 weeks


"I am 60 years old. I wanted to lose weight but I wasn't quite sure of how to do it. After my son died a couple of years ago, I lost all perspective of how to eat properly...Doing Baron's program I have learnt to eat properly, I know that I can continue to do this for the rest of my life."

Dorothy lost 13kg in 9 weeks


"When I started Baron's program I didn't know how to eat healthy I thought I was eating healthy and exercising but I was actually lazy. Baron calling me everyday kicked me up the butt and kept me honest. I am super happy with my results"

Gizelle lost 12kg in 9 weeks


"What I love about this program is that Baz kept me accountable the whole time. Not only that, I leaned how to cook. The meals are great. I am eating food that I never thought I would eat. I can't recommend this program enough"

Adam lost 10kg in only 6 weeks on the program


"Baron literally changed my life! He helped me to be honest with myself and I learned that whatever I want to do in my life I can do it! Because I now know what foods to eat and how much to eat. I am now in control of my weight. I know what to do and now have the motivation to actually do it."

Tamara lost over 25 pounds in 9 weeks


"Working as an international salesperson I spend day after day in board rooms, on planes or sitting at my desk. My weight simply got out of control. I knew I had to do something about it. It was literally weighing me down. Baron's program is simply amazing! So simple and easy to follow. The difference in my life is truly remarkable."

Joe lost 14kg in 9 weeks


"Over the years I have been using food as an excuse to deal with how I feel. After working with Baron on this program, I know what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. I am so happy with my results and feel that I am now back in control of my life."

Owen lost over 12kg in 9 weeks


"For years I was lying to myself about the reasons that I could not lose weight. I have literally tried almost every diet and pill you could imagine. Baron helped me to finally accept that there was no miracle pill or shake that was going to 'fix' my weight issues. Baron showed me what to do and held me accountable to doing it everyday. There is no way I am going to fail this time."

Davina lost over 12kg in 9 weeks


"This was the easiest eating plan that I have ever done. The food was fantastic. I could eat as much as I wanted which was even better! The support from Baron is unbelievable... His encouragement, his videos and his words of advice are amazing! I am so happy with my results.

Tracey lost over 7kg in 9 weeks


"I was tied of feeling frumpy and fitting into my clothes. I decided to joint the gym which i didn't enjoy at all, my weight wasn't moving. I worked with Baron for 9 weeks and lost all the weight I was planning to lose, I now fit back into all my old clothes, Thank you Baron!"

Margit lost over 8kg in 9 weeks


"With 9 children life can get crazy busy. Before starting Barons program I was simply not happy with how my body was feeling, I was doing everything for my kids and nothing for myself. I felt tired and sluggish. Since being on the program, I have not only lost a bunch of weight but I also feel so invigorated, I have more energy and I even need to buy new clothes. Happy days."

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